
Cat rescue work is a labour of love that is both incredibly rewarding and undeniably challenging. At Birchgrove Feline Assistance, we've been privileged to be part of many heartwarming rescue stories, a few of which we're sharing below.

While many of these tales bring us joy, we must acknowledge the hardships that often accompany our mission. We've seen cats who have faced neglect, illness, and adversity, and it's not always an easy journey to nurse them back to health and happiness. Sometimes we can't, and it's devastating when we have to say goodbye.

These stories are just a glimpse of the many lives we've touched, and there are countless more waiting to be written. If you'd like to be a part of the next story, consider supporting Birchgrove with a donation.

Six cats arrived from a colony in Nugent, all incredibly friendly but very ill. Each kitty had severe cat flu and was extremely skinny. We named them Audrey (tabby), Agnes (tabby), Alice (tabby), Avril (black), Abeline (black and white), and Ava (tabby) or ‘The A Team’.

Avril and Audrey turned out to be pregnant. Sadly, Audrey had a miscarriage. Avril, being healthier, gave birth to her kittens, and all of them were happily adopted. Sadly, Abeline was too unwell and crossed the rainbow bridge, gaining her wings.

After many months, the remaining cats gradually began to recover. Ava was the first to be adopted, finding her forever home and becoming best friends with another tabby cat named Aslan. Next was Agnes, who was adopted after an investigation for recurrent ear infections revealed she had FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), a viral infection that weakens a cat's immune system.

Since FIV is transmissible, Ava’s new family was contacted, and she was tested along with the others. All tested positive for FIV, which explained their prolonged recovery from the cat flu. They were treated with strong antibiotics and are now doing well. While rehoming FIV-positive cats can be challenging due to their special needs, these cats often live long and happy lives with proper care and attention.

Alice was next to be adopted, followed by Audrey, and finally, Avril was adopted by the same family who had taken in Alice, as they found Alice to be the ‘most beautiful and best cat ever’ and wanted to adopt one of her sisters.

Having been given a chance, these beautiful kitties are now living their best and happiest lives with their new families.

For more information about FIV, visit

Grace & Victor

Grace arrived with her litter of four tiny kittens, As they grew, three of them found homes. Victor, the fourth kitten, remained unadopted.

However, the story took a heartwarming turn when Brooke came in with the intention of adopting just Victor. Upon meeting Grace and seeing her lovely interaction with the family’s twin daughters, a new plan emerged.

The family decided to take a chance and adopt both her and Victor. The adoption fee was waived for Grace, thanks to Birchgrove's 'No Mum Left Behind' initiative. This special program aims to ensure that mother cats like Grace get just as much of a chance at finding a loving home as their kittens and never get left behind.

The outcome was a great success – both Grace and her kitten (who is now a cat) Victor, are now happily settled in their new, loving family.


Phineas, a 12-week-old kitten, arrived at Birchgrove weighing just 470g. This is roughly the size of the average 4-week-old kitten. He had endured several 30+ degree days locked in a house after the tenant had been evicted. While the team worked outside rescuing other abandoned cats on the property, Phineas' loud cries at the door caught their attention. They had to secure police permission to enter the house and bring him to safety. Phineas was found to be severely malnourished and dehydrated. Throughout the following weeks and months, he battled cat flu and ongoing tummy problems. With plenty of care, treatment, and time, Phineas became stronger and healthier.

His second compassionate foster carer, who couldn't resist his charm, decided to make him a permanent part of her life, renaming him Donald and adopting him. His original name, Phineas, symbolised his strong spirit, as his loud cries at the front door alerted our team to his presence, and saved him from a terrible fate.


Enter the heartwarming story of Loki, a standout among our shelter cats. He's not your average cat; Loki is a special needs boy. He's battled cat flu, a benign tumor, and dermatitis – all challenging enough on their own. But there's more to his strength; he also carries the weight of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), leaving his immune system weakened.

Despite occasional days where he feels under the weather, Loki enjoys many healthy days and has found his forever home on a Kellevie farm property with a cat run to keep him and others safe, lovingly cared for by none other than our Shelter Manager, Sarah. Loki's a constant purring machine, a true affection enthusiast who adores tummy rubs and loves to be picked up and cuddled.


Storm's journey began when her mother abandoned her during a storm, dropping her at the feet of a kind stranger. The stranger rushed the tiny kitten to Southern Beaches Vet, where Mel, a member of the public, happened to be. Mel instantly fell in love with Storm and became an ongoing source of support.

Storm was much younger than initially thought, just two weeks old. Under the care of her foster caregiver, she was bottle-fed, and transitioned to solid food. However, due to ongoing digestive issues, she struggled to grow. The cause of her troubles remained a mystery until it was discovered that she had a severe bacterial infection along with food allergies. With a new diet and the infection under control, Storm grew stronger.

Despite concerns that Storm's transition out of kittenhood might dissuade Mel from adopting her, when Storm was finally ready, Mel was there with open arms. Today, Storm lives in the cosy comfort of her Carlton home with Mel, warm and safe, a far cry from the storm she was named after.


When Pepper was abandoned in Carlton, she was forced to fend for herself until a lovely local noticed her struggling. At first it was thought she had a badly injured leg causing her debilitating limp that seemed to become worse with each failed day of trying to capture her.

Fortunately, the team came to her rescue and discovered that she had a birth defect, leaving her with only three feet. To make matters worse, Pepper was pregnant, and her condition worsened as she grew heavier. But Pepper's spirit never wavered, and she gave birth to her kittens, becoming a loving and devoted mother to them.

After raising her babies, Pepper found her forever home in Primrose Sands with Sharron who had been following her story from day one. She is now cherished and adored, receiving all the love and care she deserves.

Pappa Gee

Pappa Gee started off as an extremely shy and reserved big boy. It took many months for him to realise that our affection was genuine. Originally dubbed "Mumma Gee," this name originated from his time in Lauderdale, where he was discovered alongside a group of kittens that he was nurturing.

During his 2.5-year journey under the care of Birchgrove, Pappa Gee gradually grew more at ease with human companionship. At first, he merely tolerated a gentle chin scratch, but over time, he developed a fondness for belly rubs from the team members he had grown close to.

Today, he enjoys a contented life with Julia in Primrose Sands. While it took a little while for him to settle in, Julia's patience has allowed him to thrive in his loving forever home.


Dundee came into our care when a kind-hearted person found him and his siblings alone on her property. Unfortunately, Dundee had a birth defect, and X-rays revealed bone deformities in one foot, along with having only one toe. With a future of pain likely as he grew, he underwent amputation for his long-term well-being. Our amazing supporters pitched in to cover his surgery and ongoing recovery.

Following his successful recuperation, Dundee found a new home with a family in Primrose Sands. His owner humorously describes his purr as reminiscent of a 2-stroke motorbike, often accompanied by theatrical performances to convey his hunger, even after just being fed. Dundee has made both cat and dog friends in his new home, living harmoniously and proving that his three legs are no hindrance to his joyful and fulfilling life.


Originally from Smithton, Willow ran away from home due to her dislike of dogs and her living situation. She was rehomed with her owner's sister in Forcett, only to go missing once more.

A year later, Willow's sister returned to Smithton, and six months after that, a frail and forlorn Willow found her way to Birchgrove in a sorry state. She was emaciated, unwell, and her once-luxurious fur had transformed into a tangled mess.

Willow's past was a puzzle due to inaccurate microchip details. To piece together her history, the Birchgrove team reached out to vets and used the power of social media. Eventually, they connected with her previous owner, who, with a heavy heart, chose to surrender Willow for the sake of her finding a loving new home.

Under the care of foster parent Karen, Willow's health improved. Karen decided to give Willow a forever home, and now Willow thrives as the cherished queen of her household, the only cat in her loving home.


Introducing Rhett, a true survivor with a heart of gold. Found on the side of a highway, Rhett was malnourished and severely flea infested. His frail body weighed only 1.7 kilograms, a weight typical for a three-month-old kitten. He couldn't walk, couldn't move, couldn't eat, and couldn't even hold his head up.

With his red blood count dangerously low, the vets recommended euthanasia and gave him a 10% chance of survival. However, our shelter manager was determined to save Rhett's life. She provided him with round-the-clock care for the first three weeks, bringing him back from the brink of death.

Today, after many months of recovery, Rhett stands as a 5.4 kilogram majestic white lion with green eyes full of life. Despite enduring more suffering than any creature should ever bear, Rhett's spirit remains unbreakable. Following his recovery and after the Birchgrove team carefully considered many potential new owners, he found the perfect forever home, being adopted into a loving family alongside his feline friend, Leo.


Jake arrived at Birchgrove at the tender age of 5 weeks, accompanied by his mother and siblings. Sadly, the whole family arrived with a severe bout of cat flu, and not everyone made it.

Jake's path to stability has been quite the journey. Throughout his life, he has become a familiar face at the vet's office. Amongst other setbacks, his desexing procedure put his body under stress and he took some time to recover.

A significant factor contributing to Jake's challenges is his diagnosis of being FIV positive, which has left him with a compromised immune system. He is also likely to require dental treatment soon due to the extensive use of antibiotics during his early days. Due to his unique needs and uncertain lifespan, Jake will remain in Birchgrove's care, living in his foster home, rather than being adopted.

As long as Jake continues to enjoy a good quality of life, our commitment to his well-being and our love for him will remain. While there have been moments when uncertainty cast a shadow over his future, for now, Jake finds joy in basking in the sun, embracing playful moments, and sharing lively interactions with his foster brother. With his incredibly soft fur and undeniable charm, Jake has become a cherished member of our Birchgrove family.


Meet Scout, a tiny kitten who, along with his companion Percy, was found in a shocking state. After being turned away from other organisations, their rescuer was finally directed to the team at Birchgrove who immediately welcomed the two kittens into their care.

Scout suffered from anaemia, severe malnutrition, and an eye condition where his eye had become sealed shut due to discharge and fur matting. It was so severe that his inner eyelids had fused together. In his struggle to obtain nutrients, Scout had developed pica, a condition in which a cat consumes non-food items out of desperation.

While Percy (third photo) was initially stronger, tragically his health took a downturn a few weeks later, and the team had to make the difficult decision to help him gain his wings. But Scout continued to fight.

As Scout continues his journey to recovery and gets stronger every day, he carries Percy's memory with him - a poignant reminder that every life, no matter how fragile, deserves a chance at happiness.


Discovered in our neighbour's driveway, Riva faced a tough beginning. She was seriously underweight, covered in oil from what seemed to be the local pub's grease trap, had a badly injured eye, and was terrified.

After multiple baths and weeks of fur loss, dedicated care at our shelter and a loving foster home turned things around. Her fur grew back, and she became stronger and more confident. The eye injury, likely a result of a sharp object piercing her eye in the past, led to what's termed a 'volcano eye.' While it is permanent and affects her vision, it hasn't hindered her, and in fact, it holds a unique beauty when seen up close.

After four months of recovery and care, Riva was ready for adoption. In July, she found her new home with Vivienne in Midway Point alongside her feline companion Watson and is now living her best and happiest life.